Chinese Numbers Explained

Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to numbers and their many uses
in Mandarin Chinese!

  1. 数字shù zì
    Digits 0-9 & Phone Numbers
  2. Quantity
  3. Order and Sequence
  4. shí
    Teens & Tens: 10-99
  5. 时候shí hou
  6. 日期rì qī
  7. jiǔ
  8. Frequency
  9. bǎi
  10. suì
  11. qiān
  12. wàn
  13. 亿
    Huge Numbers
  14. qián
  15. fēn
    Decimals & Fractions
  16. Distance
  17. 速度sù dù
    Rate of Speed
  18. 面积miàn jī
    Surface Area
  19. 容量róng liàng
    Volume & Capacity
  20. 重量zhòng liàng
    Weight & Mass

Mastering Numbers & Counting in Mandarin Chinese

More people speak Mandarin Chinese than any other language in the world. If you want to travel to China or do business in China or with Chinese companies, of course you would benefit from learning Chinese, but even if you're not going to a Chinese-speaking country there are many reasons to learn the language. Many countries have large Chinese communities, including many places in the U.S. There are more reasons than ever to learn Chinese, and of course more reasons than I can count to learn numbers in Chinese!
Chinese numbers,
数字shù zì
, are very logical, but there are some little quirks that can trip up the beginner. The tutorials on this site will walk you through the numbers starting from the basics up to numbers in the trillions, and also introduce lots of useful ways to use them, including expressing the time and date, age, money, and some mathematical concepts too, like fractions and percentages.
In Chinese numbers are typically written using the Arabic numerals 0-9, as is common worldwide, but there is also a written or spelled-out form using
汉字hàn zì
characters. It is important to learn these characters as you will often find numbers or words including numbers written this way. It is also helpful to learn to read numbers in 汉字 because this will help you understand how Chinese numbers are constructed, which is similar to English but there are some important differences.

These tutorials are meant to be viewed in order, but you can view them in any sequence you like. If you're new to Chinese numbers of course you should start with #1 and go through at least to #6 in order. If you're really new to Chinese, please check out the first two links on the Resources page to learn pronunciation and how to say the basic numbers.
Let’s get started: Digits 0-9

